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BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The connection between the personnel and the consumer is one of a contractual nature. employees are the most significant channel of communication the outsider’s perception of the organization will be dependent nearly completely on the staff he knows or meets and where by the employee is inefficient or surly the will be his (i.e. consumers) image of the business (Arnold , 2022). (Arnold , 2022). On the other hand, in every company in which items or services are sold or delivered, the customer is the key to success. Many years ago, one of America's biggest businesses summed up the whole notion of customer connection in a few words by proclaiming that the customer is always right. Customers are the most important factor in the success or failure of any business; if they are satisfied with the products they purchase and pleased with the service they receive, they will continue to do business with the company and tell their friends about it. On the other hand, customers who are dissatisfied with the products, service, or treatment will not only stop purchasing from the business but will also tell their friends and acquaintances about their negative experience (Cuttip , 2022).

Because every company wants to present a certain image to the public, managing staff connections with customers is often as much of a management challenge as it is a problem for public officers. A healthy connection between consumers and employees goes hand in hand; it is quite difficult to differentiate between the two, given that employees are in constant contact with customers. The contact offers the most effective ways of communication in both directions. They make it possible to have a back-and-forth of questions and replies, which provides a chance to explain and convince. They also make it feasible to hurt someone's feelings or make a mistake (Burleigh , 2022).

The general public had anticipated that by now the picture of the staff customer relationship especially in the banking sector should have been pretty and nice to behold at least in terms of services attitude to work and more importantly in the upholding and up liftmen of the basic daily practices of the contract relationship.

Both verbal and written evidence points, at the very least, to a continuing decline in the quality of the staff's relationships with customers and the negative impact this has on the organization's image.

My interest in the research effort was sparked by the need to evaluate the degree to which the system has met the expectations set for it in their system and in other areas that are relevant to it. The BNCL Paris (Bangue national pude commerce et industry), which formed the United Bank for Africa limited (UBA) in 1982, was the progenitor of the French bank limited, on which this study effort is based. The French bank limited itself evolved from the BNCL Paris. December 1949 was the month when the bank officially opened its doors for business, and there were a total of twelve employees.

In 1960, in line with the strategy and goal of the French owner of the bank, the bank began trading on the public market in order to sell part of their shares to Nigerian investors (James , 2022). In February of 1961, the United Bank for Africa Limited was established with the intention of acquiring the assets and liabilities of the British and French bank. On October 3, 1961, the bank was formally opened for operation under its new name.


There appear to be evidence more conclusion about the less cordial staff customer relationship than the public outcry the poor service offered in the banking industry particular disturbing is fact that as year roll by the outcry continues to mount height.

In the light of the bout the researcher is constrained to identify and make the following attempt to find out why bank staff process nonchalant and carefree attitude toward their customers counters service of the banks are not only de laying and frustrating but also lack courtesy and orderliness and human relations.

To find out the reason for discrimination favoritism dishonesty to know why the banks are characterized by inadequate infrastructure.  Out find out why the average Nigeria banks customers is not only careless but always in a hurry and forgery and fraud have become the article and trade of commercial bank (U.BA)          


The main purposes of the study are;

  1. To find out or identify the major area of difference between the principle norms and ethics in the actual practice of the staff customer relationship in UBA.

  2. To identify the problems experience during staff customer contracts and transactions.

  3. To appraise the extent to which these problems have militated against improvement in staff customer relationship.

  4. To review the physical handicaps militating against the effective actualization of the bank staff customer relationship

  5. To evaluate the extent to which commercial bank have succeeded in dispensing their services to their customer

  6. To ascertain the extent to which the bank staff customers relationship in uplifted in the state and UBA in particular.

  7. To suggest avenues and methods of improvement of the identified problems and in so doing to further give an insight into this sector of our economy for its future use of professionally qualified and skillfully trained personal in furthering the banks staff customer relationship.  


The research questions are formulated.  

  1. What are the major area of difference between the principle norms and ethics in the actual practice of the staff?

  2. Is there any problem experience during staff customer contractor or transactions?

  3. To what extent had these problems militated against the effective actualization of the bank staff- customer relationship?

  4. If there any avenue or methods of improvement to the identified problem.  


Based on the problem statement the researcher proceeds to formulate the following hypothesis, which will be tested in the course of the study

Problems of poor counter services do not exist management is the banks low performance management is not the cause of the banks low performance.    


It has been said that the ultimate aim of any organizaiton is to obtain success by way of achieving its objectives in view of the above statement there is need for organization growth and order in our commercial banks especially (UBA LTD) which has been described as the product of the relationship between staff and customers. This contractual relationship that exists between staff and customer has some problem that at times hinder the performance of the bank staff and this research work will significantly solve these problem in properly identified and under-stood way which will go a long way towards reducing areas conflict and tension between the staff and customers.


The study is about the impact of staff customer relationship on the organizational image.  United bank for Africa ltd will be studied to attain the objective if this research.

The limitations of this study mostly are as follows.


Issuing and distributing of questionnaires cost money this means of transportation to UBA headquarter is exorbitant money is always needed for stationery for typing and binding the project.


A work of this nature needs time therefore more time is needed for a better insight into the work is a detailed study is to be made.   


Bank: Establishment for keeping money and valuable safety

Staff: Group of assistants I working together in a business or organization etc responsible to a manager or person in authority.

Customer: Any person that transacts business or is being rendered service an establishment or a time.

Relationship: Connection between one thing person idea etc and another.

Image: In an article in the (July/August 1997) issue of Harvard business review W.P marquires   defined “mage means the perception of the company by these publics. Also image in the picture of company’s audience have of it determined by all a company’s action.


Arnold John and Hope Jersey (2022) Accounting for Managerial Decision 2nd 

ed London; Prentice Hall International Ltd     

Cuttip M.S and Allen H.C (2022) Effective Relations New Jersey Prentice Hall  Inc

Burleigh Gardner and David M. (2022) Human Relation in Industry Homewood Richard O. Liguin Inc

James B. (2022) Modern Democracies New York Macmillan Company.
